RJ Facades sponsored and provided technical advice during the design and build to support artist and sculptor Alex Chinneck in creating ‘Sliding Wall’.
Facade Surface: 100 m2
Height of building: 4 Floors
Facade Material: Art installation
Called 'From the Knees of my Nose to the Belly of my Toes' - by removing the facade of a detached four-storey house that had been derelict for eleven years and replacing it with a brand new frontage that leaves the crumbling top storey exposed, then curves outwards so the bottom section lies flat in front of the house.
The designer initiated the project himself and spent twelve months convincing companies to help him realise the artwork. Everything was donated by ten different companies except the labour, which was done at cost and paid for buy the Arts Council. The installation itself came together in just six weeks by assembling prefabricated panels.
A really great project for RJ to have had the pleasure to be involved with!
To see more of Alex's work go to alexchinneck.com.
Object data
Uniting the disciplines of art, architecture and theatre the work of British sculptor Alex Chinneck is monumental in ambition and impact, producing contextually responsive interventions that animate the place in which they stand.