The Smartcara Food recycle composter is a state of the art indoor food composter. In as little as 3 hours, kitchen scraps can be reduced by 90% into a highly matured, nutrient rich soil amendment ideal for gardening applications.
There are no enzymes, pellets or additives required. Simply load the food scraps in the removable, dishwasher basket and go! The Smartcara Food Re-Cycle composter is also compact in design and is entirely odourless – guaranteed..!
Environmentally conscious
No venting, draining, or additives required
Composts to a viable soil amendment in less than 3 hours
Quiet and compact
Sleep mode features saves power and reduces your energy costs
Removable, dishwasher safe basket
3 step process makes composting kitchen waste a snap
Built in sensors increase processing efficiency by automatically adjusting throughout the cycle