BoKlok on the Brook is a new scheme in Bristol, made up of 94 Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) homes.
BoKlok is an established and successful partnership between Skanska and IKEA.
By using innovative, sustainable timber construction, 90% of the homes are factory manufactured.
D+H UK provided controls for smoke ventilation and day-to-day systems within the four apartment blocks.
Solution within each block
Energy efficient Hahn double-glazed louvres are operated by D+H LAH drives. Each corridor zone is served by two louvres. Staircase zones contain a single louvre at the head.
Control panels operate all 5 zones with each block. LED indication key switches provide master reset of the system. Status indications of ‘fire, ‘fault’ and ‘OK’ enable easy operation.
Smoke Vent
In the event of a fire, louvres on the affected floor will open, along with the head of stair louvre. The movement of inlet air will push the hot smoke and gasses out of the communal space.
Natural Vent
Tamper-proof temperature sensors monitor the indoor climate, providing open/close signals to the panel to ensure corridors remain a comfortable environment.
An external sensor will close the louvres on detection of rain. This signal is overridden in the event of a fire.