South Yorkshire Housing Association, Rotherham, South Yorkshire

South Yorkshire Housing Association, Rotherham, South Yorkshire

Client: South Yorkshire Housing Association
Contractor: J Tomlinson Ltd
Type of works: Worcester boilers and Greenstar solar panels specified for new sustainable housing development.

The Housing Corporation, the national Government agency which funds new, affordable housing and regulates housing associations in England, now requires all new social housing to be sustainable and built to a standard so that it addresses the issue of climate change.

Regenerating the Canklow area of Rotherham, the South Yorkshire Housing Association has constructed 71 new-build homes, each built with energy saving and fuel efficiency in mind.

Worcester, Bosch Group products were specified by J Tomlinson Ltd, the contractor for the heating and plumbing side of the development. J Tomlinson Ltd specified and oversaw the installation of Worcester’s Greenskies solar panels and Greenstar 30CDi System boilers in each property.

Laurence Weight, operations manager for Yorkshire plumbing and heating contracts at J Tomlinson Ltd, explains: “We were appointed to look after the installation, service and maintenance of the plumbing and heating side of the development work. And, with energy saving and fuel efficiency top of the agenda, our brief was to ensure a rating of ‘excellent’, on the EcoHomes rating, was achieved for each property.

“EcoHomes is an environmental assessment of homes developed by the Building Research Establishment (BRE), with four ratings; pass, good, very good and excellent. To ensure we achieved the ‘excellent’ rating, we opted to go down the renewables route in order to provide a sustainable source of heating and hot water for each property.

 “As part of the Canklow package, we were involved in both the design and build elements of the redevelopment. This was one of the main reasons we chose Worcester’s products. As a company we’ve been specifying Worcester’s products for years and know we can rely on them to fulfill a job’s needs. Added to that, the help and support we received from Worcester’s regional representatives in both Derby and Rotherham was excellent. They assisted us with the design by creating pipe drawings and RAD designs, which really helped to bring the project to life.

“Originally we looked at installing standard combi boilers in each of the properties, but to ensure we hit the ‘excellent’ EcoHomes rating, we opted for the installation of Worcester’s Greenstore 30CDi System boilers. Worcester’s Greenskies solar panels also made it easy for us to further enhance the eco side of each property.

“One of SYHA’s aims for Canklow was to change the current public perception by providing modern homes that would attract new people to the area. As the properties were new-build we were able to opt for the installation of Worcester’s integrated solar panels. The panels enhanced the appearance of the properties as they were fitted in straight lines directly into the roof, so that they looked simply like large windows. We were also able to hide all the wiring and tubes under the roof tiles to ensure a clean finish.

“We started this project in June of last year and now nearly 12 months on, we’re just starting to see the first tenants moving in to phase one of the development.”

Worcester’s Greenskies solar panels produce around 50 to 70% of a home's hot water for free and work best when combined with a Greenstar condensing boiler, which is among the most efficient in the UK, generating over 90% efficiency. This combination will see tenants save significantly on their heating and hot water bills all year round, whilst also making a real impact on reducing the amount of carbon emissions they would have produced living in an older property.

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