Space Saving Cycle Racks: Odoni Type 9

Space Saving Cycle Racks: Odoni Type 9

Odoni specialises in the manufacture of Space-Saving cycle racks and shelters that simply store the maximum amount of cycles in the smallest possible space. The company's experience, based on previous projects, has shown that well-designed, compact cycle storage that makes efficient use of space, and in many instances utilises space that cannot otherwise be used, allows the developer to preserve valuable high-income generating square footage within their development. 

For instance, architects developing an apartment block had a requirement for the parking of 60 cycles. With space at a premium, the designers were keen to store the cycles within the minimum available space. Odoni recommended the Type 9 semi-vertical rack due to its  innovative design that maximises space two-fold. The cycle is stored in a semi-vertical attitude rather than in the typical horizontal format. This, combined with the minuscule spacing of 305mm between cycle parking stations (achieved by the advanced raise-lower system), allows the cycles to be stored within the smallest footprint possible. Two racks, each storing 30 cycles, were stationed opposite to each other to form a communal gangway, and hence achieve further economy of space. In this instance, a footprint of just 9.50m x 4.0m achieved the desired storage of 60 cycles.     

The basis of the Space-Saving cycle equipment is the custom designed, tapered-steel trough, exclusive to Odoni. Troughs are tapered and designed to store all cycles, from racing cycles with narrow tyres, through to mountain bikes with much wider section tyres. The cycle is held in a fixed position by simply griping the wall of the tyre. A close spacing of 305mm between cycles is achieved by setting the troughs in a raise-lower configuration to avoid handlebars clashing.

Construction is of galvanised steel for strength and durability. All designs and formats are modular, therefore any number of cycles can be accommodated.

Consult manufacturer for further details.

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