Sports Centre, Sunderland

Sports Centre, Sunderland

Type of works: design and installation of two-way access changing-room cubicle system.

Flexibility and user-friendliness were key to the design of this changing area at Sunderland sports centre. Originally intended to have a straightforward cubicle system, it was changed to a walkthrough system as a result of consultation between Maxwood and the project architect and contractor.

The resultant two-way cubicles separate wet walkways from dry. Visitors exiting the swimming pool enter a cubicle from a ‘wet aisle’, lock the doors at both ends, and flip down the side bench for comfort whilst drying. When finished, exiting the cubicle at the other end leads to one of the ‘dry aisles’ for safe departure in footwear.

Océan lockers
Robust lockers with aluminium-carcasses and sprung-hinged doors in solid-grade laminate.

Opex benching
Powder-coated framework combined with solid-ash timber slats provides a sturdy benching solution that’s pleasing to the eye.

Quaronite™ vanity
Aesthetic appeal and functional durability combine in this vanity that features both tops and inset basins in premium Quaronite™ material.

Maxim cubicle system
The design for the cubicle configuration was created by Maxwood to meet the specific project requirements, including two-way access changing cubicles.

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