Sustainability - Playing Our Part

Sustainability - Playing Our Part

It has been 13 years since the Kyoto Protocol set the framework to tackle climate change and global warming by the reducing the levels of harmful ‘greenhouse gases’ such as carbon dioxide and methane, produced by the world’s major industrialised countries.

Although it came into force only in early 2005, the principles of the agreement, coupled with the need to conserve energy, reduce the reliance on fossil fuels and seek out ‘green’ power generation technologies has had an impact on almost every aspect of daily life, from the products we buy, the cars we drive and the buildings in which we live and work.

As one of the ways in which carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere is through the action of plants, the high levels of de-forestation in tropical rainforests over the past 20 years or so has not only diminished the ability to remove carbon dioxide via this method, but has also created additional issues, such as loss of habitat for wildlife and the growth of illegal logging.

Closer to home, the UK’s building regulations, particularly Part L (Conservation of fuel & power) and Part F (Means of ventilation) are nearing the end of the latest update to provide a framework against which the government’s directive that new homes will be net zero carbon from 2016, can be achieved.

Advanced construction technologies, new materials and innovative design has already made buildings considerably more energy efficient than they were just 5 years ago and progress towards greater levels of sustainability and reduction in energy consumption and emissions continues to develop rapidly.

At Encasement, we’re playing our part in sustainable building solutions by offering products within our range that are manufactured using materials that are either recyclable, manufactured from recycled materials or produced from sustainable and managed sources. As part of our ongoing development programme to ensure we meet constantly changing market needs, we now have a Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) ‘Chain of Custody’ certification, from leading accreditation body, BM TRADA, which covers our plywood product ranges manufactured from sustainably sourced timber.

By using timber from FSC certified forests in our products, it helps customers to meet their obligations under sustainable timber procurement policies or where certified products are specified.

We also use aluminium and steel extensively in our column casing range, both of which are readily recyclable and already contain a proportion of recycled material. Alongside this our n-case Styla range of wall protection products are manufactured using EkoBlend® - a unique non-toxic, PVC free and Halogen free material that is 100% recyclable and ecologically friendly.

Care for the environment, energy efficiency, recycling and sustainability are fundamental parts of everyday life and the widespread adoption of sustainable materials in building and construction is an important aspect of this process. We will continue to develop and explore sustainable products and alternatives to ensure we can contribute to a sustainable future.

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