In July 2017 CLD Fencing Systems began working on a project in Iceland to provide a secure temporary fencing system so that work could commence on one of Europe’s fastest growing airports.
The £90million project, funded by the European Investment Bank (EIB) will see the renovation and expansion of the infrastructure at Keflavik International Airport in order to allow it to cope with nearly 10.5 million travellers in 2018 and beyond.
In order to commence with the project, the airport needed to provide a secure construction area for the contractors.
They had originally looked at using concrete blocks to form a 3km wall around the zone; however, the cost in both funds and impact on the local environment ruled this out as a viable option.
After seeing a demonstration of FenceSafe in 2017, the main contractors and consultants for the project met with CLD Fencing Systems both in the UK and at the site in Iceland.
With close airfield traffic; from both vehicles and taxiing aeroplanes, the final system had to be resistant to local wind speeds. At the same time, it had to provide a level of security not normally seen with temporary solutions due to it forming a new airside barrier that had to meet all the security requirements of a permanent fencing system.
A number of designs were worked on by CLD, which resulted in the final sign off on a Double Wire 868 Panel from the Dulok Range of Fencing. This was then mounted on the Patented FenceSafe base via the 4-way fixing bracket, which would allow the fencing to cope with any changes to the ground levels.
Finally, a security topping was added to each post that would allow the installation of 3 strand barbed wire around the entire perimeter.
Manufacturing started early 2018, with over 1200 FenceSafe bases produced to allow for a total installation of 3kms of the system. Loading of the entire project commenced at the end of February and was delivered to site on the 1st March.
Overseeing the installation training in Iceland was Kevin Wells, FenceSafe Product Champion who flew out to show the contractor’s team the rapid deployment of the system.
Local volcanic sand has been used as ballast on the project to assist in cutting down on the environmental impact of it to the island.
Russell Well, Sales Director at CLD Fencing Systems said, “Rather than just another export story, this is a total demonstration of how a concept has gone from the investment of R and D, through to successful deployment that is continuing to fund the growth of both the business and our continuous R and D program at CLD Fencing Systems.”
This isn’t the first time FenceSafe has been deployed as an airside system. Over 1km of it currently guards projects at both Gatwick and Manchester airports.
The temporary system continues to grow in both use and brand, with a number of projects now specifying it as the system of choice for their project.