Alumasc’s Blue Roof system is a single source, fully warranted waterproofing and sustainable drainage solution.
Exploiting the combined expertise of Alumasc’s Roofing Division and Harmer Engineered Drainage Systems; allowing a truly single source solution is integral to a system of this nature. This is because the system has been tested by Alumasc working in conjunction with consulting engineers and test houses to guarantee system performance throughout the life cycle of the roof or podium.
Alumasc’s nationwide network of registered contractors combined with our own site monitoring team(s) ensures compliance with the warranty and codes of practice are observed through to completion.
This is followed by the Blu-roof leak detection policy applicable to all BluRoof specifications or projects to provide further peace of mind to all parties involved.
From specification through to completion of installation one point of contact and one installation team provides a single source solution to the successful completion of the works thus limiting potential split responsibility.
Split responsibility may result in the use of various trades and contractors, which in turn may lead to installation errors, damage to materials or negative warranty implications.
Alumasc’s BluRoof warranty assures the building owner that, if the roof fails to remain watertight as a consequence of latent defect in the BluRoof Waterproofing System, Drainage Components, Accessories and associated surface finishes such as green roof as supplied by Alumasc, the integrity of the waterproofing will be reinstated.
This also includes details designed by Alumasc or faulty workmanship of the Alumasc Registered Contractor. Warranties of up to 40 years available.