The Product People at Cavalia Acrobatic & Equestrian Show

The Product People at Cavalia Acrobatic & Equestrian Show

Venue: Cavalia “Big Top”
Product: The BOX Seat 903 & 907 Models

Canadian touring troop Cavalia present dazzling displays of large-scale equestrian and acrobatic productions that combine performance expertise with stunning special effects. They have so far charmed over 3 million spectators across North America and Europe and perform in one of the largest travelling tents in the world.

A combination of the BOX Seat 903 and 907 models are used to seat the crowd in this highly impressive “Big Top” venue. With one of its many benefits being the simple assemble and dismantle rail system, the BOX Seat enables a lightning-fast turnaround; ideal for the continual transference from one town to the next.

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