Two of Twinfix’s new “spider-bolt” contemporary canopies have been used at the new Trumpington Park Primary School which supports the new Great Kneighton housing development near Cambridge.
One 20m long canopy floats above the main entrance, the other runs for 40m along the children’s outside activity learning zone. The former comprises 1.5m2 panels of 13.5mm of clear heat soaked glass used alongside cedar wood panelling*, the latter 3.2m long x 1m wide panels of 19.5mm, both with a 1.5mm interlayer of PVB (Polyvinyl Butyral resin).
Norman Paterson of Frank Shaw Associates said the Twinfix bolted glass canopies specification had been a main contractor preference and they had “complied well” with the aesthetic and performance requirements of the project and were a “good looking product”.
The pre-drilled bolted glass canopies were installed to a 2˚ pitch by Twinfix’s in-house team using a hired spider crane, tower scaffold and walk-safe gutters to lift the 70kg panels onto an existing frame of vertical and horizontal galvanised steel supports.
At Trumpington Park the canopies and the building’s façade above the galvanised steel plinth while at the other end, they deliberately fall short of the horizontal supports at the entrance and overlap them at the outside activity learning zone. These cantilever canopies are also designed to be reverse pitch to allow drainage into a gutter next to the building and to keep the overall look sleek.
Manufactured from galvanised steel and glazed with laminated glass, they are fixed using satin stainless steel bolts with silicone seals. The use of bolts to fix the glass, rather than glazing bars, creates clean lines and large, open areas of glass.
The Twinfix canopy at the entrance is credited by the architects with helping to complete and make meaningful the cloister theme of School Square.
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