The Barbrook PassivHaus retrofit project in Devon has selected WARMCEL as its insulation, in recognition of WARMCELs impressive environmental credentials as a void-free installation manufactured from 100% recycled newsprint (sequestering carbon inside the buildings walls).
The term PassivHaus relates to a standard of low or low-energy buildings where as much heat energy is conserved, reducing ongoing living costs and carbon footprint. The Barbrook project features many energy-saving retrofit design features, but at its heart is WARMCEL insulation, which has been BREEAM-rated better than zero carbon and has an incredible Global Warming Potential of -1.9.
The Barbrook PassivHaus project is part of the national Retrofit for the Future programme. Understanding and implementing best practice retrofitting is key to meeting the governments CO2 reduction target of 80% by 2050.
The project will be monitored for two years after completion and results will be used as an exemplar to show how the UKs existing housing stock could be made more energy efficient.