Buzon UK is thrilled to announce that its PB, BC and DPH pedestal ranges have achieved British Board of Agrément (BBA) certification. They are the only pedestals to earn this prestigious recognition to date, reinforcing Buzon’s commitment to industry compliance whilst strengthening customer confidence and raising standards in the sector.
Manufactured in Belgium by the certificate holder, Buzon Pedestal International, the accreditation demonstrates their suitability for projects covered by UK building regulations and eligibility for NHBC warranties through independent 3rd party testing.
What is the BBA certification scheme?
Issued by the BBA, the certification is an independent assessment verifying products and systems within the construction industry to ensure they are fit for purpose by meeting their performance claims. The scheme aims to drive industry safety through research, testing, certification and auditing to provide confidence across the whole supply chain through data driven decisions. Backed by robust process and procedures, the certification represents an independent mark of excellence.
In the words of the BBA:
"The Agrément Certificate is a product and system certificate scheme which enables manufacturers of products used in the construction industry to demonstrate a product’s fitness-for-purpose.
Agrément, when literally translated, means ‘approval’. The BBA’s Agrément methodology involves the detailed assessment of a product or system that establishes in a quantifiable way, the performance of that product or system. The output of that assessment is in the form of the Agrément Certificate, which others in the supply chain use to evolve specifications.
BBA Agrément Certificate is a mark of excellence based on rigorous national and European standards that validate a construction product’s specialist formulation, capability and uniqueness."
What do the tests involve?
The BBA Agrément is renowned across the construction industry for its rigorous testing both on-site and in laboratories. The pedestal ranges were assessed for the following:
• Mechanical resistance and stability
• Safety in case of fire
• Hygiene, health and the environment
• Sustainable use of natural resources
• Durability
• Design, installation, workmanship and maintenance
• Manufacture
Once this information is collected, data is compared against current regulations and industry standards to confirm the product performs as stated.
However, BBA pride themselves on going further than just ‘test, certify and forget’. The following maintenance stage involves continual monitoring and site visits to ensure standards are upheld and adapt to any regulatory changes.
Commenting on the BBA certification, Mike Wilderink , Managing Director at Buzon UK said:
“We are proud to be supplying the only pedestal systems to have achieved BBA certification. Not only does this provide the assurance of credibility and safety for our customers but solidifies Buzon UK as the leading supplier of pedestal systems.”
importance of certification
Certification plays a crucial role in the construction industry ensuring quality, safety and trust. The BBA certification ensures this through rigorous testing and long standing reputation as an independent third party.
Buzon UK understand the need for independent evaluation and believe in engaging with range of bodies to ensure products are tested to the highest standards. the same BBA-certified pedestals have been tested with leading roofing products and finishes, achieving BROOF(T4) with specific build ups. This standard represents the highest fire performance rating for roof terraces giving architects, specifiers and contractors confidence in meeting fire regulation standards.
In addition, the same pedestal ranges have also achieved the Bronze Cradle to Cradle certificate which assess products and materials for their environmental and social impact, reinforcing Buzon’s dedication to sustainable and responsible manufacturing.
The combination of certification and rigorous testing methods ensures that these specific pedestals meet the most stringent standards, making them a reliable choice when selecting products for technically advanced commercial and residential external flooring projects involving decking, paving or grating.
Get supported by Buzon
Interested in finding out more? Talk to Buzon about their most tested and compliant pedestal ranges.
For further information on all aspects of your balcony and terrace paving projects, contact their experts by calling +44 020 8614 0874 or get in touch today!