Bitumen membrane refurbishment and protection

Bitumen membrane refurbishment and protection

1st Step

You repair flushing points, bitumen surface irregularities, cracks and/or points where the bitumen membranes have lost the adhesion between them or with the substrate by using HYPERDESMO PB-1K.

2nd Step is Primer

It is the most appropriate primer for applications over Bitumen membranes (and several other bituminous surfaces). It is also an economic and fast solution for applications over metals, existing PU membranes or even sound concrete and I will explain you why. As, it is a 2 component material, its curing time is not very much effected by the climate conditions. So, it is ideal solution for application in cold weather conditions. Nevertheless, it must be apply in thin coat, with a consumption that does not exceed the 200 gr/m2. The material has a Brookfield viscosity of around 3500cP at 25⁰C, so an applicator that is not very experience will face difficulties to achieve this small consumption. So, as I told you, over your porous concrete it should definitely be diluted in order be absorbed and seal/stabilize the unsound concrete…
It is free of solvents, non-toxic and zero V.O.C. so it can be applied where ever there is such a prescription (e.g. indoor applications, application under conditions of insufficient ventilation).

In this case we apply UNIVERSAL PRIMER-2K-4060 (fast curing 2 component PU primer) all over the surfaces. Its consumption should not exceed 0.200kg/m2. In order to achieve such a small consumption you can dilute UNIVERSAL PRIMER-2K-4060 with SOLVENT-01 up to 50%. By using UNIVERSAL PRIMER-2K-4060 you can avoid bitumen to bleed.

3rd & 4th Steps

Main Coat is HYPERDESMO-Classic

HYPERDESMO-Classic: Liquid applied, solvent based polyurethane waterproofing membrane for exposed use.
HYPERDESMO has been certified by EOTA with CE mark for 25 years expected working life with only 1.2mm total thickness (that corresponds to a 1.7kg/m2 total consumption) without any reinforcement (for applications over strong and sound concrete) and without any topcoat.

In this samples HYPERDESMO-Classic is applied in 2 sequel coats of 0.850-0.9kg/m2 each. Different colors have been used per coat, in order to distinguish the 2 coats and make easy application control.

Geotextile reinforcement over the first coat of HYPERDESMO-Classic (when it is still fresh) is recommended for this system.

So, application is as follow:

A. Applying 1st coat of HPERDESMO-Classic with a consumption of 0.850 kg/m2.
B. When HYPERDESMO is still wet we apply our GEOTEXTILE (non-woven geotextile of 60gr/m2).
C. After full curing of the first coat, you follow with the 2nd coat of HYPERDESMO-Classic with a consumption of 0.850kg/m2 again.

Note: For color protection and better chemical resistance, HYPERDESMO-ADY-E topcoat can be also applied. This step is optional and it is not shown to the above sample.

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