Giromax Used for Roof Refurbishment in London

Giromax Used for Roof Refurbishment in London

Contractor: Tritec Building Contractors Ltd
Site: Tate & Lyle Refinery, London
Date of Project: Sept-Nov 2020
Project type: Commercial roof refurbishment

Gutter Coating Works: 202m of eave's gutters were cleaned, prepared and coated in the Giromax Girosil® RC-G system.

Roof Coatings: Over 10,000 m2 of metal profiled roof prepared and coated with Giromax Girosil® RC.

Tritec Building Contractors are experienced refurbishment contractors that provide efficient and effective services to extend the lifespan of commercial building fabrics.

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Giromax Technology

Giromax Technology

Giromax Technology were originally set up to service the British Steel (now Tata Steel) remedial programme to address the problem of cut edge corrosion. The root cause of the problem was discovered by British Steel Laboratories as being the erosion of...
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