1st Coat is Primer
Primer can be PU based or Epoxy based.
A. PU based
For PU based there are 2 main options: MICROSEALER-50 (next day primer), GEODESMO-50 (same day primer)
MICROSEALER-50: It has very extent application scopes: Concrete (even damp or humid), non-porous and/or glossy surfaces like old tiles, glass, marble, metals and wood. We recommend this primer for application over asphaltic membranes too. Several customers, who want to keep in stock one primer only, they use this material. MICROSEALER-50 is very “user friendly”. It can be easily applied even by non-experienced people. It is a low viscosity and good penetrating primer. It is also very elastic.
You choose this primer when your concrete surface is very porous and unsound. So, MICROSEALER-50 will penetrate in deep the surface, will seal and stabilize it.
MICROEALER-50 is also very elastic primer. It elongation property is >300%. So, you can apply it over elastic surfaces like existing PU or acrylic membranes.
There is also MICROSEALER-PU which is 100% solid version of the same primer and allows the applicator to “play” with the solvent percentage he puts depending on substrate’s porosity…
GEODESMO-50 has, more or less the same application scopes as MICROSEALER-50 but it has a very fast curing profile. 2-3 hours after this primer application you can apply the main membrane. Although the material has such a fast curing profile it has a good memory also. Application over it is possible event the next day and up to 48 hours. Be careful, this open application window it is if there is no any rain in between. if it rains you maybe need to reply one coat…
B. Epoxy Based
AQUASMART-DUR: The unique characteristics which distinguish this primer from the other are the following:
It is highly effective humidity barrier. So, it is ideal for applications subject to negative pressure/ rising humidity.
You choose this primer to apply over strong and sound concrete in order to increase adhesion and to close any Ω holes.
Main Coat
Two-component - 1:1, polyurethane (A) : bitumen (B), by volume - liquid membrane for waterproofing & protection.
Main application scopes of HYPERDESMO-PB-2K are: NON exposed waterproofing of concrete roofs (especially when vapor barrier is required), bathrooms, wet-rooms, under-tiles, roof garden applications, horizontal parts of foundations, bridge decks, cut and cover tunnels, etc.
HYPERDESMO-PB-2K is a self-leveling material than can be (and must be) applied in whatever required thickness in just one single coat!
It can be applied with roller, spatula and airless spray machine.
The surface must always be prepared with appropriate primer before HYPERDESMO-PB-2K application.
HYPERDESMO-PB-2K has achieved CE mark certification for 25 years expected life when applied with 1.5mm thickness for non-exposed use. It has also anti-root certification.
Drainage Membrane & Plantation
Drainage membrane protection is recommended.
You can apply the drainage membrane, fill the area with soil and proceed with plantation after full curing of HYPERDESMO-PB-2K.