INTRAsystems has broken ground again with the launch of a brand-new modular entrance matting product. INTRAlink2 (pronounced ‘squared’) is a high-performance interlocking tile product made entirely from recycled PVC with outstanding eco credentials.
As commercial entrance matting specialists, INTRAsystems constantly seeks to deliver products that meet customers’ evolving requirements, pioneering material developments and product formats. This month, the company unveils its new modular tile system that’s effortless to install and offers excellent sustainability credentials without compromising performance.
Matting that doesn’t cost the earth
Designed by the INTRA product development team, and manufactured in the UK, INTRAlink2 represents a game changer in the world of commercial entrance matting where environmental concerns and moisture absorption are key factors to the specification. The team has taken all the benefits of the traditional PVC tile and elevated the product to a whole new level by building with cost-efficiency, sustainability and market-leading performance in mind.
Unrivalled sustainability
Although falling within the company’s value range, INTRAlink2 is mindfully designed to produce as low a carbon footprint as possible, helping customers to achieve their own sustainability targets.
Designed and manufactured in Britain, INTRAlink2 offers a 100% eco-friendly specification when selected with INTRAlux Ultimate fibre inserts and the optional PVC-free backing option – PureBase. In addition, the full range of compatible fibre insert options is manufactured from 100% Econyl.
Performance Innovation
But sustainability wasn’t the only driving factor INTRAsystems took on board when designing INTRAlink2. Having occupied the commercial entrance matting space for 35 years, the team has acquired a wealth of customer feedback, all of which influenced the technical development of the product.
One of the most important of these was performance.
Many of INTRAsystems' products are installed in busy commercial environments such as shopping centres and transport hubs, where daily footfall is in the thousands. While not such an issue in summer, on wet, rainy days this amount of multi-directional traffic poses a huge problem for dirt and moisture transference.
Thus, along with its leading sustainability credentials, INTRAlink2 also boasts some of the best dirt scraping and moisture wicking of any modular tile system, offering up to 95% fibre coverage per tile - ideal for use in busy commercial settings where traffic hails from all angles.
As INTRAsystems’ Director James Farrant, explains:
“Commercial entrance mats exist, primarily, to serve a practical purpose – which is to prevent dirt and moisture transferring into the building. Yes, entrance mats should add aesthetic value, but their main purpose is to trap water and dirt at the door, preventing slips and trip hazards. We know this is a big issue in commercial settings such as supermarkets, schools and public buildings, where large volumes of pedestrian traffic cross in many different directions. That’s why we developed INTRAlink2; to offer a more robust and effective product that could meet this challenge far better than other budget options on the market.”
For full technical specs, fibre options and samples of INTRAlink2 contact the team direct.
+44 (0) 1425 472000