Ulma Architectural Solutions has provided its KOMPAQDRAIN® drainage channel range for Brasdiesel, Scania's services centre's new headquarters. As well as the usual services offered to Scania customers, rasdiesel offers a multibrand service at its new headquarters while centralising maintenance in a single workshop. This new area covers more than 16,000 sqm in Caxias do Sul, RS.
Ulma provided its KOMPAQ200 CIVIL model for this project, part of the compact KompaqDrain® range, due to its ability to handle heavy traffic. The channel and the grille form a single piece, thus ensuring greater rigidity and maximum security in high-transit areas. Furthermore, thanks to its polymer concrete material, the channel is corrosion-proof, long-lasting, resistant and suitable for all types of loads.
It also counts on the innovative MaxFlow system. Thanks to the curved design of the inlets, this system optimises collection and increases water entry speed and drainage capacity.
View KOMPAQDRAIN: Concrete Drainage Channel Product Entry