Min­imised to the max, outdoor light­ing all from one ver­ti­cal line

Min­imised to the max, outdoor light­ing all from one ver­ti­cal line

With the Line, Selux is rev­o­lu­tion­is­ing the look of street light­ing by com­bining diverse func­tions in a rad­i­cally reduced design. Ver­ti­cal, linear optic mod­ules fit seam­lessly into a pure lumi­naire shape.

Using inno­v­a­tive light­ing tech­nol­ogy, the Line han­dles all rel­e­vant light­ing tasks: from appli­ca­tions close to build­ings to light­ing squares, parks, streets and paths. To achieve this, the prod­uct family includes light columns, bol­lards, pole and wall-mounted lumi­naires as well as pole-top ver­sions for exist­ing poles – cre­at­ing a uni­ver­sal toolkit for light­ing.

Micro­facetted reflec­tors pro­vide high visual com­fort and stan­dard-com­pli­ant glare con­trol. The pre­ci­sion optics pre­vent light pol­lu­tion and illu­mi­nate res­i­den­tial spaces with respect to nature.

Zhaga-com­pli­ant inter­faces diver­si­fies the abil­i­ties of the Line, enabling it to con­nect with intel­li­gent Smart City options. The Line sup­ports indi­vid­ual light­ing con­cepts not just in its diver­sity of light­ing tech­nol­ogy mod­ules.

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 Harwoods House, Banbury Road, Ashorne, Warwickshire, CV35 0AA

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