Cupa Pizarras has provided its natural slate Heavy 3 for refurbishment works at Renfrew Town Hall. If there is one thing that characterizes Scotland and touches all its visitors, that is its natural surroundings and historical buildings, which still retain their original charm. So, as the world leader in natural slate, we are proud that our slates have been chosen to renovate one of these heritage buildings: the Renfrew Town Hall and Museum.
As part of a refurbishment programme, The Renfrew Town Hall roof has been recently renewed with CUPA's natural slate Heavy 3. This slate has been the perfect choice to keep its original appeal of tradition and heritage.
CUPA HEAVY 3™ slate is quarried from their quarry in San Pedro de Trones (Leon) in northern Spain. This quarry has been in operation since 1892 and produces some 25,000 tons each year. Heavy 3 is a blue black slate with a slightly gritty texture. Its extra thickness and weight give it strength to withstand the high wind speeds and driving rain common throughout Scotland.