Tarmac Building Products
Tarmac offer a wide range of sands from bulk building and packed domestic materials to specialist industrial or landscaping and sporting sands.
Sand is a granular aggregate composed of fine rock and mineral particles. It is a vital construction aggregate essential in the manufacture of concrete.
The composition and colour of sand varies, depending on the local rock sources and conditions. The most common constituent of sand in inland continental settings is silica. The second most common type of sand is calcium carbonate.
Tarmac's Specialist Sands:
• Silica sands - Closely controlled, quality graded, high performance silica sands.
• Topsport - A range of specialist, silica and fibre reinforced sands and soils for leisure and sporting facilities.
• Topsport Equisand - Specialist fine and silica sands for gallops, ménages and equine facilities.
• Topscape - Tried, tested and proven soils, sand and silica sands for use in landscaping applications and grass maintenance.