The static smoke curtain system according to EN 12101 - 1 controls the movement of fire and hot smoke within buildings by forming a fixed, transparent high temperature barrier. The primary purpose of the smoke curtain is to allow people to escape safely from hazardous areas and to facilitate firefighting. The system consists of monolithic fire protection PYRAN®S / PYRAN®G glass panes and associated fire protection components. In contrast to automatic smoke curtains, the static smoke curtain is always in its determined position according to the fire protection planning and building management.
DH 30 = temperature/time classification for smoke barriers operating according to the uniform temperature time graph (ETK) in conformance with EN 12101-1 (Annex D).
D 120 = temperature/time classification for smoke barriers operating at 600˚ C minimum temperature in conformance with EN 12101-1 (Annex D).