Three Day Delivery on Drainage Channels Now Available from ACO

Three Day Delivery on Drainage Channels Now Available from ACO

With UK construction activity predicted to be the strongest since January 2022, ACO Building Drainage is helping speed up projects by bring down product delivery time with its Always Available range.

By providing three-day delivery on its core range of modular drainage channels and accessories, ACO Building Drainage is supporting drainage engineers and the wider construction industry to carry out high-quality work quickly.

With its ‘Always Available’ range of channel drainage solutions, ordering before 2pm from ACO’s website will see products delivered to site within three working days. The products included in the Always Available range include ACO’s Modular 125 drainage channels as well as associated telescopic gullies and corners in stainless steel grade 304. This grade of stainless steel is suitable for most installations including residential bathroom and kitchen drainage as well as commercial food preparation areas.

Also from April, the most popular depths of Modular 125 channels (50mm, 65mm and 80mm) in grade 316 along with other grade 316 drainage solutions will be available from stock to site in 3 days. Grade 316 stainless steel is used commonly in swimming pools, food processing environments, laboratories and other locations where strong cleaning chemicals are likely to be used.
The three-day delivery time means that many construction projects requiring this higher grade will be able to progress faster compared to the previous standard delivery time of three weeks.
Kevin Bohea, Managing Director at ACO Building Drainage said: “We’re always trying to find new ways to support drainage engineers which is why we’ve created the Always Available range. If time is of the essence for project delivery, our faster delivery can make a huge difference to schedules as the range is available off the shelf.”

For more on the Always Available range and to download the brochure, see

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