Craig & Rose

T(01383) 740000
F(01383) 740010
WVisit Craig & Rose's website
 Unit 8, Halbeath Ind Est, Crossgates Rd, Halbeath, Dunfermline, Fife, KY11 7EG
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Trade names

Alkaprufe, Aquatek, Atholl, Brualux, Caledonian, Claymore, Coatosol, Coatostone, Craquelure, Crystall Pearl, DecoRite, Epicon, Eudec, Eudecryl, Fencegard, Forth Bridge, Imperval, Luxine, Mapfix, Metadure, Permadure, Permalux, Permastic, Pilolite®, Quad 8, Regal, Rosalac, Rose Guard, Scumble Glaze, Shellac, Silverite, Snow White, Steracote, Super Albescol, Superose, Timbergard, Topcote, Undelac, Wallgard, Zinol

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