Developing communication strategies for construction markets

Developing communication strategies for construction markets

Written by Chris Ashworth, Competitive Advantage

The construction sector represents a unique challenge for the marketer. The sector’s project team is far more complex than many business-to-business markets. This is because the team responsible for designing, selecting, purchasing and installing products is usually created for a single project, employed by different organisations and then disbanded.

Many members of the construction project team are busy individuals, who are not always office based. Communicating with construction decision makers requires careful consideration. It is important to time your messages to reach the lead specifier and the key influencers, at the appropriate stages of the construction process. In this blog we take a look at some communication methods that are ideal for construction markets.

Where do construction professionals source their product information?
With half the world now connected via the internet, it is not possible to consider a marketing strategy without an online presence. Recent research into the communication channels used by key decision makers in construction, the Construction Media Index, shows that on average product directories are used by just over half of construction decision makers. Product directories are predominantly online and it is important, with the advent of BIM, to maintain a current and accurate listing.

Architects use product directories significantly more than contractors. The construction marketer needs to consider a strategy that takes this into account. It is important to be flexible and adopt an approach that engages architects but also another that encourages contractors to stay with the specification and not switch.

Search Engine Optimisation
Manufacturer websites also rank as a significant source of product information for specifiers. With The Construction Media Index showing over half (57%) visit known websites directly. This is where marketing need to be familiar with industry terminology, just as much as the technical team. Researching and knowing keywords and long-tail search phrases will help your information to be found, placing you more prominently on search engine listings. Then when found your information needs to be relevant and engaging, tailored to respond to the challenges faced by your target market.

It is important to note however that email still plays a role in driving traffic. According to The Construction Media Index newsletter links are the main route to online blogs & articles (65%). Developing a strong eNewsletter membership to drive readership is still an important requirement.

Construction Journal readership
With many different channels to reach your target market there are more options than old style advertising. Online magazines allow greater transparency on ROI, particularly with advertorials, with statistics such as page views and clicks. With online there is opportunity for interactive media. It is down to the marketer to determine if the value of advertising spend seen in past budgets is continuing to provide ROI. The Construction Media Index research shows that key decision makers in construction are more likely to read online publications than hardcopy magazines & journals.

Delivering Construction CPD
With the online world at our fingertips there is now a desire for live events. In construction markets CPD represents this opportunity. Construction CPD can be a valuable marketing tool. Just because CPD is technical does not mean that your seminar should not be well written and presented. It is important to remember that delivering the seminar is not the end of the process but the start. CPD is an invaluable tool for engaging with specifiers. Across all decision makers 42% attend up to 6 seminars in a year, with almost 60% attending at an organised event. This though varies across professions according to CPD requirements.

Some points to consider when developing your communications strategy for construction markets:
•BIM and CAD content is a must when marketing construction products. Well written specifications make it easy to specify and minimise spec switching.
•Make full use of online references like YouTube and Barbour Product Search
•Don’t underestimate the power of a well-designed website with product information downloads.
•CPD seminars are a great opportunity to get face to face with the specifier and it should be treated as a marketing tool.
•It is important to identify the social networks that your key personas are active on. To listen, and respond accordingly.

For further guidance download our marketing in construction breakdown that provides information and the key points that should not be missed when developing communication strategies for construction markets.

Further Information
Promoting your company and building products with Barbour Product Search can help to increase your visibility to the full specification audience. Email for more information.

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Chris is a specialist in specification strategy and founder of Competitive Advantage Consultancy which specialises in market research and training for the construction industry. Chris is also Deputy Chair of the organising committee for CIMCIG, the Chartered Institute of Marketing’s Construction Industry Group.

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