McCarthy Stone Retirement Living, AquaCell

McCarthy Stone Retirement Living, AquaCell

Customer: McCarthy Stone Retirement Living
Contractor: Tonic Construction
Project size / Area sq ft: 330m3 or 3 areas of attenuation tanks
Products used: StormForce using Wavin AquaCell CoreR

The Challenges
The biggest challenge for this project started on the site. Due to site level limitations, storage needed to be of an irregular shape to fit within the tight spaces of the parking area. Being based under the parking court, the tank needed to be able to withstand traffic loadings. Tonic Construction have an environmental responsibility to ensure operations have minimal impact on surroundings and habitat, and products used during operations are environmentally friendly.

The Solution
To overcome the complexities of the site, Wavin Technical and Wavin StormForce were called upon to provide an end-to-end solution, providing Tonic Construction with a single source solution of design, supply, and installation for piece of mind. Tonic Construction also utilisied Wavin Technical services to provide advice on technical aspects such as cover depths and drainage connections. Wavin Technical liaised with the drainage engineer to come up with a workable solution for the complex site. This is a perfect example of Wavin working with multiple parties to create an ideal solution for the client. AquaCell CoreR seemed to be the perfect attentuation tank to install. Being able to withstand traffic loadings was key for the project due to the tanks being located below parking areas. Additionally, the AquaCell CoreR is ideal for shallow projects, which this one required. The range comes with many environmental benefits to suit Tonic Construction’s environmental responsibility. Being a sustainable, cost-effective way of water management, Tonic Construction were able to rely on Wavin to provide high quality products that will protect the land and habitat by reducing the risk of flooding.

Stormwater design, supply & installation – sorted
StormForce is the service that developers, tier one design and build contractors and civil engineering firms have been waiting for.

A high quality, single source solution to the design, supply and installation of stormwater tanks and all their associated infrastructure, from capture and attenuation to dispersal.

End to end, everything is taken care of by Wavin – they consult and advise on site, value engineer the optimum design, manufacture and co-ordinate the required products and components, install through fully trained StormForce partners, and they underpin the installation with a five-year warranty.

It’s the future of sustainable drainage. It’s fast and efficient. It’s hassle and risk free, and it’s quality and compliance assured. It’s StormForce, and it’s one less thing for you to worry about on every project you undertake

"StormForce were able to supply, design and install 3 areas of attenuation using AquaCell CoreR within the tight programme of works, which suited all design and loading criteria."
Ian Nicholls Technical Manager, Tonic Construction

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Wavin is a pioneer in manufacturing and supplier of plastic drainage piping and water management solutions for above ground and below ground projects. Wavin has a range of innovative solutions to meet your requirements, combined with a wealth of...
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