Recognising Construction Marketing Excellence

Recognising Construction Marketing Excellence

The Construction Marketing Awards 2020 recognising the best in construction marketing.

2020 is the twentieth year for The Construction Marketing Awards (CMAs) which have grown in popularity each year and have also seen increasing standards of construction marketing from the entrants. This year the awards were held virtually and with no gala dinner the role of sponsors and supporters was more important than ever in making the event possible. The organisers would like to thank Barbour ABI for their early commitment of support as Overall Sponsor.

Despite many marketers being furloughed during the year, there was still a healthy level of entries of good quality, with just over 100 Finalists recognised in 28 categories. From this we saw 20 organisations recognised as Winners, or Highly Commended, with several organisations achieving multiple success.

The selection of winners is a thorough process with 25 experienced marketers volunteering their time to judge the entries. Each category is assigned three independent judges who individually review every entry and then confer to select the Finalists, Winners and when it is a close decision nominate Highly Commended. This is a rigorous process where judges look to see that entries represent marketing best practice, for example:

• Demonstrating clear objectives for the communications which in turn support overall marketing objectives
• Clearly defining and researching target audiences
• Using innovative and creatively designed communications which are cost effective in relation to the level of success
• Setting objectives that are measurable, achieved and deliver success

So being recognised as a Finalist is an achievement in itself and something to be proud of.

But this is not just about recognising the achievement of those that enter, important though that is. It is also about sharing best practice and ideas. As part of the award process details of each winner’s entry are made available in the winners’ book which can be downloaded, providing examples and ideas for others.

Another benefit of the CMAs is the Agency League Table which ranks the top 20 communications agencies in terms of their success at the awards, providing a good starting point when looking to recruit an agency with understanding of the industry and a useful gauge of their performance.

If you missed the virtual ceremony, it can be viewed now on the CMA website. And start to think about entering for 2021, which we hope will be back to the popular format of a Gala Dinner on 2nd December at London Hilton Bankside.

Further Information
The Construction Marketing Awards enjoy widespread industry support, are run annually to promote best practice in construction marketing and are open to all organisations operating in the built environment. The 2020 CMAs overall sponsor is Barbour ABI.

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