RECYFIX SUPER Drainage Systems
Hauraton Ltd
Reliable drainage and disposal of surface water is now mandatory in many areas. It is therefore under ever tougher regulations that our RECYFIX®SUPER and RECYFIX® SUPER KS drainage system ranges have to operate.
The ranges have applications in many different areas: in industrial and trading estates, exhibition centres, and train stations; in car parks and in town centres. Apart from the technical criteria that needs to be filled, the channels must be aesthetically within their environment. Therefore fexibility and ability to adapt must be key aspects of the products.
The channels in the RECYFIX®SUPER and RECYFIX® SUPER KS range provide economical and reliable solutions in areas with heavy traffi c, up to load class F 900. They are made out of PE-PP and this gives them a defi nite edge in terms of weight and therefore also in terms of ease of installation. Lateral stability and increased resistance to torsion are provided by galvanised or stainless steel angle housings equipped with the SIDE-LOCK boltless locking system. The locking system gives the many variants of gratings which are available added stability and structure, vertically and horizontally.
SUPER KS range are resistant to freezing and to the salts used to de-ice roads and car parks and can be made watertight on-site using a supple product. The channels are certifi ed according EN 1433 and carry the CE quality mark.
It can be used in Industrial and trading estates, exhibition centres, train stations, car parks, forecourts, urban centres, market squares, public squares, etc.