The benefits of specifying composite windows

The benefits of specifying composite windows

composite_windows_1Homeowners are changing the trend when it comes to window replacements. When it is time to upgrade your home, or make improvements to part of it, more and more people are going down the route of using composite windows. So what makes these the go to product for specifiers and manufacturers? I decided to take a look at why this product is extremely popular at the moment, and what benefits it brings to the table.

What are composite windows?

Firstly, it may help to explain what composite windows actually are. They are windows that combine two or more framing materials, using the best features of each. For example using aluminum for the outer frame and timber on the inside, specifiers are getting the best of both worlds in terms of performance, reliability and aesthetics.

Benefits of composite windows

One of the big benefits in going down the composite route is the fact that they require lower maintenance than traditional windows, whilst also giving a much longer lifetime. Where the common traditional timber window will show strain over time and bend due to severe weather, the combination of timber and aluminum ensures composite windows are much stronger. The aluminum exterior provides a durable frame solution capable of withstanding outside weather conditions for many years.

With new buildings and construction generally also aiming to be more sustainable, the thermal properties of composite windows increase the performance and eco friendliness of the window, consequently ensuring you save on your heating bills in the long run. Furthermore, certain composite windows are made from recycled materials making them an environmentally friendly choice.

When you take into account all of the benefits composite windows can offer, it is natural to presume the price may be considerably higher than a standard window, however, that is not true. There are some great prices available for these windows, and when you take into account the money you save on heating bills and maintenance, the little extra you may pay initially would seem to be well worth it in the long run.

The general consensus seems to be that if you are choosing to upgrade your windows at home, you cannot go wrong with composite windows. They make standard windows seem old and dated with the new technology they can offer and are a great choice for many different homes.

If you are interested in looking at composite windows why not take a look at these

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