Construction Market and Product Specification Summary

Construction Market and Product Specification Summary

As part of our Product Specification series with Chris Ashworth of Competitive Advantage Consultancy Ltd, we have created a PDF summary of the latest articles, which can be downloaded below:

Download Construction Market and Product Specification PDF Summary

In case you've missed the articles, you can view them here:

Effective Specification Selling
Understanding the specification process
Product specification influences and drivers for change
It's not just the architect: 5 other influencers to consider

Keep an eye out for our next series on 'Specification Selling' next month.

Further Information
Promoting your company and building products with Barbour Product Search can help to increase your visibility to the full specification audience - not just architects. Email for more information.

Sign up to the Competitive Advantage newsletter for an overview of construction market activity as well as construction sales and marketing advice.

Chris is a specialist in specification strategy and founder of Competitive Advantage Consultancy which specialises in market research and training for the construction industry. He is a member of the BIM4M2 steering group and Deputy Chair of the organising committee for CIMCIG, the Chartered Institute of Marketing’s Construction Industry Group.

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