Exclusive Twitter Chat with Steve Thompson, Chairman of BIM4M2

Exclusive Twitter Chat with Steve Thompson, Chairman of BIM4M2

Update 9/2/2015: You can read some of the highlights of the chat here: Highlights of #BIM4M2chat with Steve Thompson

Calling all building product manufacturers! Join us on Tuesday 3rd February at 12pm for an exclusive interview with Steve Thompson, Chairman of BIM4M2 and BIM Programme Manager at Tata Steel.

Steve is the Chairman of BIM4M2 (BIM for Manufacturers and Manufacturing), a group that was formed to represent the needs of building product manufacturers in gaining the right information as the industry moves towards BIM adoption.

BIM4M2 provides a forum for those involved in the design, manufacture and supply of products to share their knowledge, learning and experience. It does this by supporting manufacturers through their BIM journey, developing a clear and consistent approach to providing relevant data and making sure that the manufacturers’ voice is heard.

BIM4M2 is in the process of developing new tools to support manufacturers, including:
• an evidence based tool which works out the likelihood of a manufacturer needing to respond to the BIM challenge
• a tool which will allow manufacturers to find accurate and independent resources to learn more about BIM
• a tool to help manufacturers put together an implementation plan for BIM development.

We will be asking Steve about these tools, as well as gaining insights into where the manufacturing industry is currently at with BIM adoption – following the results of a recent survey about product manufacturers’ experiences of BIM.

Do you have any questions about BIM?
We’d like to encourage all manufacturers, whether you have already started your BIM journey or still thinking about taking that first step, to join the chat and ask your own questions, so please get involved.

Simply follow the BIM4M2chat hashtag on Twitter (#BIM4M2chat), and feel free to ask Steve any questions you may have in your tweets.

We look forward to you joining us @BarbourNews with @SGThompsonBIM on Tuesday 3rd February at 12pm.

You may also like to follow @BIM4M2 or sign up to the newsletter to keep in touch with what BIM4M2 are doing and be notified of the new tools when they are available.

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