Newton 902 Primer Achieves Third Party Gas Permeability Accreditation

Newton 902 Primer Achieves Third Party Gas Permeability Accreditation

John Newton and Company are pleased to announce that Newton 902 Primer has been awarded a certificate confirming its suitability as a hydrocarbon gas barrier.

The independent UK laboratory testing has proven the effectiveness of our 902 single component primer to be an effective gas barrier dealing with methane, radon and all other hydrocarbon gases.

Newton 902 Liquid Applied Radon, Gas and Vapour Barrier

With gas impermeability at more the seven times the Council Directive of 1999, Specifiers and Newton Specialist Basement Contractors can be confident that two coats totalling 1kgm2 of Newton 902 provides a membrane with incredibility low permeability for all hydrocarbon molecules, radon and methane gases and water vapour.

“Newton 902 Primer is a cost effective and versatile product which will allow contractors to supply a solution to deal with gas and moisture vapour problems in above ground situations with confidence.”
- Warren Muschialli, Managing Director, John Newton & Company

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Newton Waterproofing Systems (John Newton & Company)

Newton Waterproofing Systems (John Newton & Company)

Newton Waterproofing Systems are one of the UK’s leading independent supplier of structural waterproofing systems, associated pumping and drainage products. Their wide range of structural waterproofing systems enable them to offer solutions for any...
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