Resin Injection Systems
Delta Membrane Systems
Delta’s resin injection systems (crack injection systems) are designed for injecting cracks in concrete and masonry where there is a need to consolidate or stabilise a structure or exclude water from contact with reinforcement.
Cracks, which are often only hairline, can appear in concrete, especially at basement/underground levels which can cause serious and detrimental leaks and seepage.
Cracks in structure’s substance are structurally weak points. Additionally, penetrating water may cause further damage and affect the lifespan and usability of the structure.
Reasons for cracking include, stresses through load, stresses through shrinkage, stresses through ground movement, stresses through dilatation and compaction.
Resin injection systems can be used to seal permanently wet and dry cracks along with construction joints, or to provide a waterproof curtain behind the structural envelope.
Delta’s resin injection systems can be used in new build projects or in existing structures.
A construction joint is a planned crack, a crack is an unplanned joint and these require attention.
They can be used to stop pressurised flowing water leaks and is suitable for use where in contact with drinking water, they also has low flammability and can be used for small and large cracks.
Delta resin injection repair systems are highly adaptable and can be use in:
• Leaking basements
• Underground car parks
• Waterproofing leaking lift pits
• Waterproofing leaking tunnels
• Structurally repairing bridges
• Leaking podium decks
• Parking decks
• Facades
• Concrete floors
• Construction joints
• Wall/floor junctions
• Aesthetic repairs
Delta’s water stopping injection systems should be installed and applied by specialist contractors.