Basement Drainage & Sump Pumps
Delta Membrane Systems
Delta Membrane Systems Limited is a specialist manufacturer of above and below ground packaged pump stations, designed for evacuating foul, grey and ground water. The company is able to deliver most components, including chambers. Delta chambers are fitted with a range of single or duplex submersible pumps, and are manufactured in accordance with BS EN 752-6:1998 and BS EN 12056, for installation inside and outside buildings.
Delta Membrane Systems also manufactures a range of specialist pump stations, to be used in conjunction with the Delta Type C Cavity Membrane System, and is able to deal with many waterproof applications.
Basement Protection
One of the main design considerations when designing a Type C Cavity Drainage System is to consider managing the collection and discharge of ground, grey and/or foul water. The majority of below ground projects will require a collection sump + pump to automatically manage the evacuation of water ingress. A sump + pump solution will require mains power to operate.
The number of pump systems required for each project will (in part) depend on the overall basement size, perimeter and also the method of drainage – Delta Channel, Modular or combination of the both.
External surface water from light-wells, courtyards and terraces may be drained into the gorund water sump, providing the area of external surface water collection does not exceed 12m2 to each sump – if the external area is greater, advice should be sought from the Delta Technical Team.
For each sump system, the recommendation is for two pumps in case of failure of the duty pump. In the event of failure of the duty pump, the secondary back up pump will take over, therefore significantly reducing the risk of potential flooding.
Drainage Options
The concept of a Drained Cavity System is to collect and manage any ground water which breaches the integrity of a structure by managing, collecting and discharging such free water via a suitable evacuation point such as a Delta Packaged Pump Station.
Drainage options for a Delta Type C Drained Protection System include Delta Channel, Modular Drainage System or a combination of both. The Delta Drainage Channel as with the Modular Drainage System should ideally be recessed within the structural slab. Where this is not possible or practical, then a sacrificial screed bonded to the structural slab should be used to form a rebate for the perimeter Delta channel.
Channels incorporated into the design and laid level allow water to drain by hydraulic gradient and can discharge passively any water ingress into a Delta Sump or other suitable discharge point, it is of course important to consider maintainability (BS 8102:2009 Section 10.3.1).
Delta offers a comprehensive range of Packaged Pump Stations which are suitable for the evacuation of Ground water, Surface water and Foul water. In addition we offer bespoke chambers for larger projects. Delta’s sump pumps offer complete peace of mind.
A full specification service for Package Pumps and Pump Stations by qualified drainage engineers specific to each project can also be provided.