5 easy ways to sass up your office space

5 easy ways to sass up your office space

There are several studies which show that an inspiring environment leads to more productive staff.

A recent survey by office furniture retailer Steelcase and research firm Ipsos found that nearly 90 percent of workers around the world are less than satisfied with their work environments.

Some the greatest benefits of a well-designed workspace are an increase in engagement and productivity among workers and a more positive workplace culture. A thoughtful workplace design can be a powerful tool for supporting employee performance. And a collateral benefit is that what typically supports productivity also enhances employee health and wellness – it’s all interrelated.

In this blog we’ve collected some ideas from our platform on how to enhance the environment in your office.

1. Colourful Carpets
Carpets are an easy and cost-effective way to introduce colour to your office. Why should all offices be magnolia or grey? Flooring design plays an important role in creating functional and engaging spaces and creative use of carpets can provide structure to large open plan offices and improve productivity. Check out the Creative range carpet & carpet tile range from Heckmondwike.

2. Comfortable Seating
Where you park yourself for the eight and change hours you’ll be working in the office matters! Your seat has to be adjusted for your personal needs; it has to be the right height, the right width, and of course it has to be comfortable. But comfortability doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice sass! Chairs come in all kind of styles and colours which can either match or contrast your existing colour choices in the office. Check out these chairs with plenty of personality from Seatable.

3. Breakout Areas
What better way for your staff to refresh themselves during break time than an inspiring recreational area? Cold and dull cafeteria areas may serve a purpose but to make sure the staff stay rejuvenated and social your best bet is to provide them an area to do that! For such areas, your number one purchase should be a comfortable sofa. For added personality, check out these retro sofas & armchairs from Furniture Realm.

4. Storage
You have to store your files somewhere, but no one forces you to stuff them to grey and dull cabinets. Using wall space and various materials from timber to stainless steel you can transform your storage area from dull to delightful! Check out these beautiful cabinets crafted by K & D Joinery.

5. Out-of-office
Sassing up the office doesn’t have to be confined within its walls! Imagine your staff sitting outside enjoying the great British summer, taking in the sunshine and returning to work even more rejuvenated. Or visitors to the office block waiting in reception area in funky and comfortable seating rather than on a sofa that has definitely seen better days. You can choose from contemporary and retro styles through to traditional and classic. Check out the Seamless Seating options from Green Furniture Concept.

How would you create a more inviting office space? Take part in the conversation on our LinkedIn post.

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