Fire-retardant materials have a critical role to play in keeping modern buildings safe. However intense the fire, fire-retardant materials offer occupants of a building, valuable time for means of escape.
What is a Fire Retardant?
A fire retardant is a substance that is used to slow down or stop the spread of fire or reduce its intensity. This is commonly accomplished by chemical reactions that reduce the flammability of fuels or delay their combustion.
What is the Difference Between Fire Retardant and Flame Retardant?
Fire retardant and flame retardant both work to prevent fires, in occurrence of fires, it assists to stop the spread and help to reduce the amount of damage caused by flames. Both are invaluable to protecting homes and structures and provide extra time to for residents to safely evacuate a building in the event of a fire.
Fire retardant testing
Fire retardant materials, are measured on the degree to which a product contributes to the spread and growth of a fire, ways to measure this include:
1. How easily the product ignites
2. The amount of heat released when it burns
3. How fire spreads on its surface
4. The way in which it disintegrates as it burns
5. The quantity and nature of smoke released
These parameters contribute to the performance ratings, within the Euroclass system. Most building materials sold on the European market must be assigned a file indicating its fire resistance based on a Euroclass rating system. There are 7 Euroclasses of reaction to fire performance for construction products which extend from A1 to F.
Delta Membrane Systems Limited believes it is a fundamental design approach that all occupied structures regardless of height or where there may be challenges in exiting the premises (regardless of height), should be constructed from materials which are fire-retardant.
April 2021, saw the introduction of the Delta MS 500 Fire Retardant System. This innovative Type C Waterproofing Membrane not only complies with BS 8102:2009 “Code of Practice for the Protection of Structures Below Ground” but also achieves a Euroclass rating of B-S2, d0 in accordance with EN 13501-1:2018.
In addition to fire tests carried out on the Delta MS 500 Fire Retardant System, Delta sought approval from the BRE (Building Research Establishment) for a further certification approval providing 3rd party independent certification.
Delta Membranes Design and Build Philosophy is quality driven, working with architects and trades alike, putting at the forefront construction considerations to ensure buildability, functionality, and maintainability. The result of this single approach is a consistent, complete, and quality design that is hard to equal.
Whatever the needs of your project, you can rely on Delta Membranes Technical Team of Waterproofing Professionals to ensure you get the right advice, support, and practical help at exactly the right time. Email or call on 01992 523 523.