Importance of `Joined up Thinking` for flood resilience

Importance of `Joined up Thinking` for flood resilience

Delta Membranes talk flood resilience and the importance of development within the flood defense industry:

Since the BRE’s success at building a flood resilient house, the flood resilience industry has witnessed rapid growth over the last 12 months.

The BRE’s Flood Resilient Home was commenced following the “Bonfield Report” or The Property Flood Resilience Action Plan – a plan to enable better uptake of resilience measures for properties at high flood risk.

In 2015/16 we experienced the highest rainfall on-record over a single day, building on sustained rainfall over a period of weeks, leading to the highest river flow levels ever recorded.

This resulted in a huge impact upon people, homes and businesses, with over 17,000 properties flooded and the c ost of the damage caused e xpected to reach £1.3bn.

The Insurance industry has been closely monitoring the progress of flood resilience with The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) publishing a new report outlining what the Government needs to do to help create homes and communities that are resilient to flood damage.

The BRE flood resilient home has been flooded 5 times in the last 12 months and has proven its quick recovery time. Incorporating this approach to flood resilience will see thousands benefit.

Structural Waterproofing expert’s, such as Delta Membrane Systems Limited’s knowledge-based experience is invaluable in bring tried and tested materials and approaches into flood resilience measures.

Flood resilience is a DEVELOPING SCIENCE and a market opportunity for `Joined up Thinking` through better thinking, we can evolve solutions, we can build on service and ultimately a better future for everyone.

Delta Membrane Systems Limited have been an active member of member of the PCA Flood Resilience Group and have cemented their knowledge in flood resilience by joining Mary Dhouau on the C umbria Resilience Showcase Project.

Delta’s Technical Team’s meticulous approach to flood recoverability incorporating structural waterproofing solutions, has seen projects meet insurance industry standards (meaning home and business owners) will be able to insure previously uninsurable properties.

Delta Membrane Systems were awarded the PCA Best Practice Award 2017 for their “Innovation” in flood resilience, were award a ASUC award for “Innovation and Sustainability” and were named as finalists four times in the Construction News Specialist Awards 2018 and the Ground Engineering Awards 2018 meaning that all sectors are aware of changes and that these changes need to be incorporated now.

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Delta Membrane Systems

Delta Membrane Systems

Delta Membrane Systems Limited is a manufacturer and provider of specialist structural waterproofing solutions, covering Types A, B and C waterproofing, combination waterproofing, damp proofing, basement drainage, flood resilience and ground gas...
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