Why it is important to get retail interior design right

Why it is important to get retail interior design right

We’ve all been there. Entered a store and had the smiley assistant head over and ask if there is anything we need within seconds. The ultimate end goal of any store of course, is to get a customer to part with their cash. Whether that be the smiley assistant, enticing music or a welcoming scent, stores have tried several things to make us part with our hard earned money. So why it is important to get interior design right in the retail world?
Firstly, it is important to draw the customer’s attention and make them notice. The power of retail window design is something that shouldn’t be underestimated. A striking piece of visual merchandising can capture shoppers’ attention, and encourage them to cross the threshold of a store. Think of the thousands of shoppers who will pass by your window. This is a chance to grab them, almost the start of telling a story which you will then continue inside the store.

Effective retail design also honours the legacy of the space and unites a store’s location or architectural aspects with the brand. For example, Apple’s Covent Garden store in London resides in a historic building even though the brand is associated with innovation and forward thinking. By restoring the building and using retail design to create a very modern aesthetic within it, Apple paid tribute to the local area while creating a very clearly Apple experience.
Obviously it’s important to keep the customer in the store for as long as possible, to increase the chances of them making a purchase. Modern consumers are extremely busy and have a tendency to shop in a hurry. It is the job of retail interior design to slow down this journey and increase dwell time in the store. One technique to do this is by placing a large, eye-catching display at the entrance. Customers tend to decide instantly if they like what they see when they first enter a store, so having something that stands out at the entrance is likely to encourage them to explore further.

We live in a very modern, digital world, with boundaries continually getting pushed and changed. With an increasing number of shoppers turning to e-commerce to purchase products, brands need to make their retail spaces enticing and interactive. Retail interior design allows brands the opportunity to be bold with their spaces and attract customers in an entirely new way. Through innovative designs and bold signage, stores have the potential to create an immersive environment that ensures the brand sticks in the mind and greatly increase the chances of a customer returning.

Décor is another important consideration. Every effort should be made to match the design and decor to the product to be sold. Most customers will be expecting certain decor for the product they are shopping for. A men’s sportswear shop for example would ideally have images of famous sports people wearing their products, which will then in turn prompt a young lad to insist if his parents buy him a certain pair of football boots he will turn into Lionel Messi.

Interior design plays a very important role in the appeal of any retail store or brand. It has the ability to draw you in and keep you there. So keep your eyes and ears open for the latest trends and customer needs, and you will be right on (and in) the money.

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